Store comes with a full basement for rent at a excellent location which located in a high traffic, busying commercial district! Close to J train, Q52, 53, 56 & QM15, many people stopping by all the time. An ideal location for various kinds of business! Currently occupied until end Dec 2024!! Rent including property tax!!!Store comes with a full basement for rent at a excellent location which located in a high traffic, busying commercial district! Close to J train, Q52, 53, 56 & QM15, many people stopping by all the time. An ideal location for various kinds of business! Currently occupied until end Dec 2024!! Rent including property tax!!!
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The source of the displayed data is either the property owner or public record provided by non-governmental third parties. It is believed to be reliable but not guaranteed. Listing Information provided courtesy of Lucky Real Estate LLC, Pui M Chan - 718-424-6785